The ADALEP network

Spodoptera littoralis / Inra - B. Provost

Adaptation to environment in Lepidoptera

In response to a call for interest, about one hundred scientists have joined forces with the aim of coming up with a clearer, coordinated and complementary scientific policy, in order to increase the visibility and accessibility of the French research system on Lepidoptera.
ADALEP’s role is to facilitate collaborative projects. It also proposes global strategic analysis of the fields covered or to be developed. It helps establishing a relationship between the technical facilities (tunnels, breeding, greenhouses, sequences, etc.) and assists in the exponential development of genomic and transcriptomic data by guaranteeing their availability to the network through consistent, shared tools.Describing, analysing, explaining and using the adaptive capacities of Lepidoptera requires an integrative biology approach, which is possible due to the diversity of skills brought together. This particularly involves comparing aspects of population, evolution, ecology, physiology, behaviour and genomics. The challenge of rendering the research internationally visible requires providing a view of shared models and shining a light on a biological matter to be dealt with.  The network aims to explore, among other issues, what makes a Lepidoptera species be a pest.bility of the French research system on Lepidoptera.

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