Organisation and participants

Organisation and participants

The network is managed by a steering group reflecting various fields of interest, made up of:

  • Frédérique  Hilliou (plant interaction)
  • Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly (chemical senses)
  • Clément Gilbert (évolution, éléments transposables, symbiotes, transferts horizontaux) ;
  • Carole Kerdelhué (évolution adaptative)
  • Elisabeth Tabone (biological control)
  • Emmanuelle d'Alençon (genomics).

The network organises one meeting per year, and a conference of greater scope every two years, both of which are open to partners from outside the academic sphere (industry, technology institutes, etc.)

The census taken at the end of 2011 led to the registration of over 100 members from approximately thirty state-funded laboratories.

The supervisory institutes are INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research) – 48 members, the IRD (French institute of research for development) - 12 members, the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) - 9 members, the CIRAD (French centre of agricultural research for development) - 5 members, and a number of universities and Engineer Schools (25 members).

To become a member and for any enquiry, please send an e-mail to